"light as a feather, stiff as a dead cat."

LionWing Publishing

Basement Game Boutique is now LionWing Publishing.
Here is some of the logo work i designed for this endeavor:

They already has a really awesome lineup in the works.
So if you are interested,
Stay tuned and check out his site here:

"do you think that would be reasonable?"

Basement Game Boutique

i have been really busy lately with a variety of projects;
the main one has been helping get Basement Game Boutique
up and running with a buddy of mine.

this is a cool new company a friend of mine has started ( with a little help from me )
based on the thought of creating card and board games that are inspired by JRPGs.

so we actually did just that.
and are currently working on bringing a really cool original card game to Kickstarter
called Battles of the Gemini Guard.

i will be posting more about this project along with its launch,
so stay tuned if this seems like something you would be into.

the real reason for this post is to share the logo designs i developed for this project:

this was a fun logo project for me.